Plastiki, the plastic bottle boat, to set sail
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Plastiki, the plastic bottle boat, to set sail

Sep 26, 2023

The Plastiki, a boat with a hull built of 12,500 plastic bottles, was set to sail from a Sausalito yacht harbor this morning on a risky and adventurous voyage across the Pacific.

The purpose, said expedition leader David de Rothschild, is to draw attention to the health of the oceans and to demonstrate the value of recycled plastic bottles. De Rothschild and his crew of five hope to sail to Australia, a voyage of about 11,000 nautical miles.

The Plastiki, named in honor of Norwegian explorer Thor Hyderdahl's raft Kon Tiki, is a boat like no other in the world. Besides the hull of recycled plastic water and soda bottles, the vessel is made of a hardened plastic called PET.

The boat is a twin-hulled catamaran rigged as a ketch. It will rely on the wind for propulsion and has only a small auxiliary engine. No such boat has ever made an ocean passage before.

The Plastiki was built on the San Francisco waterfront in 2009 and has been making trial voyages on the bay.

The trip was set to begin at 9:30 a.m. at the Clipper Yacht Harbor,420 Harbor Drive, and the vessel will be escorted to sea by small boats. It should pass under the Golden Gate Bridge about an hour after it leaves Sausalito.

Skipper Jo Royle said the first port of call will be one of the Line Islands, a small group of atolls south of Hawaii.

The voyage can be followed on the Internet at